Common OTF Terms & Acronyms

Started by adderthorn, Jun 16, 2023, 10:55 AM

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1G (1 Group) - If a class is small, coaches may decide to run the class with only 1 group so that all members start at the same station and switch together. You will still perform the standard 2G or 3G template as scheduled.
2G (2 Groups) (AKA "Orange 60") - The basic OTF class template. It lasts for 60 minutes with 2 groups of members, one that starts on the treadmills and one that starts on the rowers. The rower group will usually alternate between rowing and floor exercises, and the groups will switch between stations at least once during the class. In a standard 2G class, expect to spend around 23 minutes on the treadmill, and 23 minutes on a combination of rower/floor (the rest of the time will be taken by warmup, coach instructions, switches, and stretching). This can change with special templates like Run/Row (see elsewhere in this glossary).
3G (3 Groups) - A class with 3 separate groups, one each on the treadmills, rowers, and weight floor. Groups will rotate between all three stations during class at least once. 3G templates are common in popular studios and/or times to allow more members to participate in each class. The biggest difference compared to the standard 2G template is that you will be spending around 14 minutes at each station. Compared to 2G, it means more time on the rower, and a lot less time on the treadmill.
All Out (pace) / AO - Sprinting. Power Walker: 10-15% Incline; Jogger: 2 mph or faster than base pace; Runner: 2 mph or faster than base pace.
AmRepsAP - As many reps as possible.
Base (pace) / BP - Power Walker: 3.5-4.5 mph, 1-3% incline; Jogger: 4.5-5.5 mph, 1% incline; Runner: 5.5+ mph, 1% incline.
Base to push - A section of tread block basically treated as a progressive push. You start at base, and work your way up to push, usually at your own discretion, not with coach direction.
Bench - See Deck.
Benchmark - A benchmark day will include a segment for tracking your performance. Most benchmark workouts will use a switch template to allow all groups to perform the benchmark towards the beginning of the class. Studios will usually announce upcoming benchmarks in advance.
Block - OTF classes are divided up into "blocks" that make up the class for a given day. Each block has a set of exercises or guidelines that the coaches coach you through for each station. The length of these blocks determines how long you are at a particular station and will vary from class to class.
BOSU - Stands for BOth Sides Up; It is a balance trainer that looks like half of an exercise ball and used for stability and core exercises.
Buy-In - A type of workout where you need to complete a certain exercise before proceeding with the rest of the workout. Could be a number of floor reps, meters on the rowers, etc.
BW - Shorthand for bodyweight (as in bodyweight exercises such as pushups, etc).
Chipper - these workouts are characterized by a large number of reps on the floor that is decreasing with each exercise or round. For example, 50 reps of this followed by 45 reps of that, etc. You are basically "chipping away" at reps, hence the name.
Core Blast - A coach-created segment focused on core exercises. These will differ from studio to studio and even from coach to coach.
Crew Row - will sometimes happen during the rowing segment. The coach will pick a leader / pacer, and perhaps a strokes-per-minute rate, and everyone else should be synchronizing their rowing with the leader. The result is that the entire rowing group will look as if they are crew-rowing.
DB - Shorthand for dumbbell.
Deck - The Reebok bench at each floor station.
Downhill - A treadmill incline that is slightly less uphill although still very much uphill. In OTF parlance, "going downhill" means setting the treadmill to a reduced incline compared to the previous incline. It is important to note that there is no such thing as actually going downhill at an OTF class given that the minimum incline is 1%.
Each (in exercise instructions) - In floor exercises, the instruction each means that you need to perform all reps on one side of your body before performing all reps on the other side. This is in contrast to total, which means that you should perform the total indicated number of reps while alternating sides with each rep.
Endurance (day) - A "focus" area for an OTF class. Endurance days typically include long pushes on the treadmill, longer distances on the rower, and higher rep counts on the floor.
ESP (day) - A "focus" area for an OTF class that stands for Endurance/Strength/Power. ESP days typically involve a combination of all three focus areas (endurance, strength, and power), which usually occur in individual blocks.
Flat Road - 1% incline on the treadmill. This is the lowest incline you should be setting the treadmill to, so named because it allegedly emulates running outside on a flat road.
Floor - Shorthand for the exercises that we do on or near the benches (bodyweight, dumbbells, etc); Often includes rowing portions.
Founder Rates - Membership rates offered to people who commit before or at the opening of a new studio and don't have a membership at another studio. These rates often represent decent savings from the rates that will be offered to people who join later. We have seen mixed reports that you'll be able to retain your Founder's Rate even if you upgrade your plan after you join. We have also seen reports that you will not be able to retain your Founder's Rate if you downgrade. The bottom line is that you really need to check with your studio.
Hill - Treadmill incline greater than 1%.
HR - Shorthand for heart rate.
HR Formula / New HR Formula / Heart Rate Formula - The way OTF estimates / calculates / guesses your maximum heart rate. Affects your heart rate zones and, by extension, the number of Splat Points you're going to get. The older formula calculated your max HR based on your gender and age.
HRM - Shorthand for heart rate monitor.
Iso - Shorthand for isolation, as in tricep iso kick-backs. Isolates one muscle versus the more typical compound movements.
Lift45 - An in-studio class format that lasts 45 minutes and focuses on strength exercises. Typically labeled TB1, 2, or 3, this means "total body", with 3 templates released each week. This class is only offered in some location so please check with your studio regarding availability.
MB - Shorthand for medicine ball. These are the heavy balls used for exercises near or around the rowers.
Minibands - Resistance bands. Come in 3 colors to indicate the level of resistance: green is the lightest resistance, orange is medium, red is heavy. Also used as an effective alternative to leg waxing.
Neutral Grip - Typically describes holding dumbbells with palms facing inward, e.g neutral grip overhead presses.
NSV - Non-scale victories.
Orange 60 (aka 2G) - See "2G".
Orange 3G - See "3G".
Orange 90 - A 90 minute version of class. These classes are usually very similar to the 60 minute classes except they will have additional blocks to extend the class time to 90 minutes. There are a number of approved templates that studios can use for these classes each month, and it's up to individual studios to choose if or when to run them.
Orange 45 (2G/3G) - A 45 minute version of class offered at some studios. Follows the same 2G/3G template of the day but some blocks will be shortened and/or some exercises will be skipped to fit the allotted time.
OTLive / Orangetheory Live - A live online class designed to be taken at home. Usually lasts 45-50 minutes and comprised of 5-6 blocks involving cardio and strength exercises. Dumbbells are recommended but not required. You will need a computer with the Chrome web browser to participate, and coaches recommend that you have your webcam on during the workout so that they can provide form corrections and encouragement (you can have your video set to only be visible by the coach). A link to join will be emailed prior to the start of class. These classes are only offered in some locations so check with your studio regarding availability.
OTF - Orangetheory Fitness. But you knew that already.
Partner/Team Workout - A workout where at least one block involves 2 or more partners working together. These are usually switch-type workouts, where each partner acts as a pacer for each round. Some people love partner workouts, others hate them with passion.
Power (day) - A "focus" area for an OTF class. Power days typically involve short pushes and many all outs on the treadmill, short distances on the rower, and bodyweight/plyometric movements on the floor.
Premium Location - These studios (often in central locations in large cities) charge more for memberships than other locations. If you have a membership at another location and want to attend a class at a premium location, you'll pay a surcharge. (Conversely, if you belong to one studio and want to take a class at another studio that is NOT a premium location, you can do so with no additional charge.)
Push (pace) / PP - Power Walker: 4% greater on incline (or as specified by coach); Jogger: Approximately 1-2 mph faster than base pace; Runner: ~1-2 mph faster than base pace.
Push to All Out - A tread block basically treated as a progressive All Out. You start in a push pace, then gradually increase until you're at an All Out "feeling" (not necessarily a true All Out because of the added effort of getting there). This is typically increased at your own intervals, not necessarily with coach direction.
PW - Shorthand for Power Walker.
Rails - The stationary sides of a treadmill. Related: "jumping (hopping) the rails" - at the end of a high-speed interval, like an All Out, jumping to the sides of the treadmill while it slows down, instead of staying on the treadmill and slowing down with it. Please don't do that.
RFD - Run (or walk/bike/stride) for distance.
RFE - Rear Foot Elevated, typically a lunge position with the back foot on the bench or the bosu.
Rolling Hills - Outside of OTF, the term "rolling hills" typically refers to terrain where one travels both up and down hills (inclines/declines). At OTF, the term refers to treadmill inclines that alternate between going up and going slightly less up.
Rower - Shorthand for the rowing machine. OTF uses water rowers in all locations.
Run/Row - A segment in a normal 2G or 3G class where participants alternate intervals on the treadmill and rower within a single block, switching based on time or distance completed.
Run/Row30 - A class format that lasts 30 minutes and focuses on running and rowing. Think cardio focus, no floor. This class is only offered in some locations so please check with your studio regarding availability.
SA - Sales Associate - OTF employee working the front desk.
SM - Studio Manager.
SO - Studio Owner.
S/A - Shorthand for "single arm," where you might do an exercise on one side, usually followed by the other.
S/L - Shorthand for "single leg," where you might do an exercise on one side, usually followed by the other.
Splat Points - The total number of minutes you spend in the orange and red heart-rate zones in a class. It's cumulative, so if you spend a few seconds in a zone at one time and a few more seconds at another point, those seconds will be added to your total time in the zones.
Strength (day) - A "focus" area for an OTF class. Strength days typically involve inclines on the treadmill, higher weights on the floor, and strength movements incorporated into classes where there are separate row blocks.
Surge - A nudge up in your base pase (suggested .125 to .5mph), typically held for 15 seconds. The common example is that you're in a race and want to pass the person directly ahead of you, so you surge just long enough to get past them.
Switch (template) - While every OTF workout template has groups of members switch between stations, a "Switch" template will usually have shorter blocks that alternate between stations multiple times. For example, if a normal 2G workout has a tread block and then a rower/floor block, a Switch 2G template may have a tread block followed by a floor/rower block followed by another tread block and then another floor/rower block. 3G Switch templates tend to rotate around all stations multiple times and are sometimes referred to as "Tornado" templates. Switch templates are frequently used on benchmark days to allow members to do the benchmark segment as close to the start of the class as possible. See also: "Tornado".
Tornado (template) - A "switch" template in which members rotate between stations every few minutes (hence, tornado). See also: "Switch". There are currently 2 approved tornado templates that studios can use each month, and it's up to individual studios to choose if or when to run them.
Tempo couplet - A timed move paired with a static hold. Example: 45 seconds of pushups, followed by 15 seconds of pushup hold.
Total (in exercise instructions) - In contrast to "each," the instruction total indicates the number of reps to be performed while alternating sides with each rep. Example: "bench step-ups, 24 total" means you should do 1 step up on each side until you reach a total of 24.
Tread - Shorthand for treadmill.
TRX - A suspension training method with straps anchored to the wall. Located in each floor station.
VIP Week/s - New studios run these special workouts for Founding Members before opening the studio to the general public. Workout templates for this period of time will usually not follow the national template.
Walking Recovery (pace) / WR - Typically 3.0-4.0 mph, often follows an All-Out pace.